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iPhone Unlimited Data It combines a cell phone, camera, wireless e-mail, mobile data, digital music (iPod), and video (including YouTube videos) and photo viewing
Android Unlimited Data Amazingly fast browser, cloud sync, multi-tasking, easy ways to connect & share images and applications with friends
GPS Rental Find all your favorite points of interest with ease with an Israel GPS in English!
iPad Unlimited Data It's just 0.34'' thin and weighs as little as 1.33 lb. It makes surfing the web, checking email, watching movies, and reading books natural.
BlackBerry Unlimited Data We rent the latest BlackBerry Curve with voice calls, plus easy and convenient unlimited access of e-mails, BBM and internet service from anywhere in Israel!
SIM Card Only Use your own phone while taking advantage of our great calling rates! Device must be GSM and unlocked.
MiFi Enables you to have your own wireless hotspot. Use it for up to 5 internet devices at one time. Stay Connected Anywhere!
Get unlimited free incoming calls when you travel to one of these countries and many more.
Is your destination not in the list? Rent a phone for over 200 countries worldwide.
Register your company with TravelCell and enjoy all the benefits of a global cell phone rental at discounted rates.
• Overnight shipping available• Stock TravelCell phones at your office• Full accessory kit
Traveling with a group? TravelCell offers discount rates and special services for groups. • Latest cellular and data equipment • Dedicated specialist • Worldwide support